While the company was formed in 2013, the genesis originated decades ago from the founder’s career water encounters.
Early 80's
From financing of massive irrigated agriculture on the Texas Gulf Coast (Farm Credit System)
Late 80's
Sourcing water for intense turfgrass farming irrigation (Quality Turfgrass/ Crenshaw & Doguet Turf - acquired by King Ranch Turf)
Late 80's to Mid-90's
Creation and management of irrigated commercial landscapes and golf courses (Environscapes - acquired by ServiceMaster/ TruGreen)
Smart irrigation software development and irrigation water performance contracting across the southern United States (Acequia - acquired by Banyan Water)
EPA Water Efficiency Leadership Award for documentation of 68% water reduction in landscapes by intense water management and smart irrigation control
Delegate representing North America in sharing water intellectual property with Australia
WaterCentric formed in Carrollton, Texas
City of Glendale AZ awards Performance Water Management Contract
Company completes 1st contract to Design, Build Alternative Water System in North Texas
NRP Group awards Water Management Contract for their Texas Portfolio